How to hot update bundle project

I have a game with multi bundle inside(game A), a start scene(Main) loading every thing and show the hall, then sub game will be download. Everything works perfectly, now i want hot update form another game(game B) to game A but has troubles.
It cannot hot update because game A build with md5 option. So i create another project(game C) with a simple scene to load scene from game A, and build with no md5. Then i hot update game C from game B and it works.

export default class GameC extends cc.Component {
    onLoad(): void {
        let url = '';
        cc.assetManager.loadBundle(url, { version: 'xxxxx' }, (err, bundle) => {
            if (err) {
            bundle.loadScene("Main", (error: Error, scene: cc.SceneAsset) => {
                if (error) {

But another problem, Main scene from game A load another bundle with no md5, an it fail
**Download file failed: path: assets/framework/config.json.
So i must pass option { version: ‘xxxxx’ } for all function loadBundle in game A or something else?
How can i solve this?