How to download manifest file from remote server?

Hi everyone, I have an issue when I download manifest file from remote server using cc.loader.getXMLHttpRequest() on Android, but work well on IOS. The function onreadystatechange is not call and onerror function too, so I don’t know what is wrong. Thanks.
Cocos2d-JS v3.17

This is my code

    try {
        cc.log("call getDataFromUrl:" + url);
        var xhr = cc.loader.getXMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
        xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
        xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
            if (xhr.readyState === 4 && (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300)) {
                cc.log("**** call callback);
                cb && cb(xhr.responseText);
                cc.log("*** read url: " + url + ", xhr.readyState: " + xhr.readyState + ", xhr.status: " + xhr.status);
        xhr.onerror = function () {
            cc.log("****** xhr request url error");
            cb && cb(null);
    } catch (exception) {
        cc.log("******* request url error");
        cb && cb(null);

Console output

call getDataFromUrl: