How to create a piece Jigsaw

Hi everybody
I am using Cocos Creator to create my game. My game similar to Jigsaw Puzzle game

But i’m facing a problem of how to create a piece as

Can anybody guide me how to make a piece as image? Include shape, shadow, lighting.

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Hi, there’s a Chinese tutorial for this:

Thanks for your answer :heart_eyes:
But i don’t want use image for mask to create a piece. That must create many masks of diffirent spaces.
I check this topic:
This guy use openCV in cocos2d-x for create a piece. Can this use in Cocos Creator?
Do you have other solutions?

Creator should support any third plugin. But you need to know how to integrate them with the engine framework, so does Cocos2d-x.
We don’t have other demo on the desk. Just some suggestions, if you don’t want to use mask, you can try to generate the image data dynamically. Or use a custom shader to draw pieces.

Thanks you.
I will try your suggestions