How to compile Cocos2d-JS project into 1 minified file and publish to multi platform?


I would like to publish a Cocos2d-JS v3.7 project to Android/iOS/Web platform but can’t make them work properly when minified and obfuscated.

cocos compile -p web -m release --advanced

For Web, we can use this command to minify and obfuscate all source files into 1 file named game.min.js.

It created a folder named “html5”, i try to run the page index.html in localhost with google chrome, the page load to 6x% and stuck there.
When i refresh or reopen the page, it stuck at 0%.
The game.min.js is around 2.2MB.

cocos compile -p android -m release

For Android, this commnad compile the project and publish with a keystore.
The .apk file can be run successfully.

When i extract the .apk file, i can see all the source file are processed by google closure compiler into separately .jsc files.

Is there any command to compile and publish project with only 1 minified and obfuscated source file?

cocos compile -p iOS -m release

For iOS, this only generated a file end with .app but not .ipa
Although, the source files are processed into .jsc.

I try archive the project with Xcode but the source files are not processed into .jsc.

Then i found this Cocos jscompile guide.

cocos jscompile -s ./src  -s ./script -d ./src -c -o test.js

This code give me error

Internet Explorer, Closure Compiler and Trailing Commas

I have a third party library .js file which i remove the comma, it won’t work.
I try use extra --closure_params but not working.

cocos jscompile -s ./src  -s ./script -d ./src -c -o test.js -m internetExplorerChecks

How can i pass this params to closure compiler to ignore the Internet Explorer error?


Please give me some guide on how to publish Cocos2d-JS project.

The Cocos2d-JS is a great engine for multi platform. But the publish process very troublesome


For passing extra params to closure compiler, it need “” for the extra params.

cocos jscompile -s ./src -d ./src -c -o test.js -m "--jscomp_warning internetExplorerChecks"

This work to ignore the Internet Explorer error.

cocos compile -p android -m release

The cocos compile command can compile ./script successfully into .jsc

But i can’t find out what params to pass in to jscompile for the ./script.
There are too many error on jscompile the ./script folder with closure compiler.

Anyone have the solution?
