How to catch js errors? CC 3.6.2

Hi, I want to catch js errors in ios/adroid builds.
I try to catch errors in CocosApplication.cpp

But both exception callbacks aren’t called. And ScriptEngine::callExceptionCallback isn’t call too.

Is there a way to track crash in js?

You can try adding the following code to the ts code

let consoleError = window.console.error;
window.console.error = function () {
     console.log("=======>”, JSON.stringify(arguments));
     consoleError && consoleError.apply(window, arguments);

is this suppose to be used for Firebase Crashlytics ?

Hi @muxiandong
This is working fine for debug apk but not for release apk.
Check my build config

is there any way to handle for this configuration? or any other way to do it?
Debug - off
Source Maps - off
EncryptJS - On