How do i change apk icon and title

i understand that i can’t put spaces in title while building, but i dont understand then how all these apps have spaces in their names or is that something google does for you when you send them your apk with the name you want?

also with apk icon does google change it automatically to the app icon i upload on play console or do i have to change it myself? this is going to be my first publish so i wanna make sure

I would suggest building through Android Studio with gradle. You can find many tutorials on changing the app name displayed on device along with app icons throughout the web. The IDE is there to make it easier to build Android apps just like Xcode makes it easier to build iOS apps.

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what is the other option?

You know I am not too sure, are you using Cocos Creator? I always and only compile my apps with Xcode and Android Studio (they are highly specialized IDEs for these platforms and they are free).

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yes i’m using cocos creator and i dont really know much about android studio i guess i gotta get into it

I don’t use Cocos Creator, so I might be the wrong person to have answered here, I just use the cocos2d-x C++ libs. There might be a way to change these in Cocos Creator, would wait for someone with that knowledge to answer.

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In your AndroidManifext.xml?

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this helped me with changing icon

and this post helped me with changing the title Build Title + Android Splash Image