How can I set custom ID using AdColony plugin

I want to ask about the setCustomID method on SDKBOX.

My environment:

$ sdkbox info
  _______ ______  _     _ ______   _____  _     _
  |______ |     \ |____/  |_____] |     |  \___/
  ______| |_____/ |    \_ |_____] |_____| _/   \_
 Copyright (c) 2016 SDKBOX Inc. v1.0.1.16
 installed packages:
     v2.3.9.0 googleplayservices
     v2.3.9.0 adcolony

and code is:


I cannot call this method in iOS. This method displays warning message as below. Even though I call this method after configuration succeed, It doesn’t affect. How can I set custom ID in iOS?

2017-02-03 17:26:41.674662 SampleApp-mobile[336:14791] AdColony [Info] : AdColony library version: 64-bit production
2017-02-03 17:26:41.679922 SampleApp-mobile[336:14791] AdColony [*Warning*] : Either configureWithAppID:options:completion: has not been called, or AdColony has not finished configuring yet. Ignoring API call
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
2017-02-03 17:26:41.741003 SampleApp-mobile[336:14791] cocos2d: surface size: 1136x640
cocos2d: QuadCommand: resizing index size from [-1] to [2560]
2017-02-03 17:26:41.757394 SampleApp-mobile[336:14791] cocos2d: surface size: 1136x640
2017-02-03 17:26:41.817277 SampleApp-mobile[336:14868] AdColony [Info] : AdColony controller version:
2017-02-03 17:26:42.048882 SampleApp-mobile[336:14791] AdColony [Info] : Interstitial ad request succeeded in zone: vz250d08ab931645978e
onAdColonyChange, success : 1, zoneID: vz250d08ab931645978e

Maybe try calling setCustomID() a bit later?

I already tried:

Even though I call this method after configuration succeed, It doesn’t affect.

Furthermore, AdColony Android SDK needs setCustomID to be called before init(). (I already contacted with AdColony and they said.)
Do I have to change the processing with iOS or Android?

We’ll look into this and update you ASAP

Hi @nite,
How is it going? Any update?

Could you share the progress?

Just call setCustomeID before init, should work.

Did you see my question? I called setCustomID before init and got a warning.

Hi toruG,

This is because I call the function [AdColony getAppOptions] in setCustomID before

[AdColony configureWithAppID:options:completion:]

And I’m sure that the custom id will be set in [AdColony configureWithAppID:options:completion:].

Next release, I’ll fix the warning, ok?

Sorry for the warning message.