Hot update file name mismatch

@pandamicro , @Randomzord ,
i am trying to implement hot update in my project and i had a question…in res/src folder the file names have a code in them before .js (for eg. settings.a9e57.js) and this code is different in each build. how then can we update these files where we use the new file and delete the old one?
also, in the actual build the file extension is .jsc and the remote-assets will have file extension .js. Can a .js replace a .jsc?
thank you!

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remove the md5 cache option when building, it’s explicity said in the manual.

Do not check MD5 Cache when building, otherwise it will cause the hot update to be invalid.

Hi, this is because you check the MD5 Cache option when building, for details, refer to this document:

This is because you check the Encrypt JS option when building, for details, refer to this document: