High random Crash Rate

Does someone else expierincing a high Crash rate for no particular reason now?
We did some updates but those are a week ago and it was running smoothly.
Now the Crash rate went up about 1700%.
We allready talked to a very small number of devs about it and some exp it too.
The issue seems chrome related. The reports dont have enough information inside.

You can only see it when you click on “Explore ->” in the dashboard on the Crash & Anr graph.

If you have the same issue do you mind posting some framework version numbers you use?

def multidex_version = "2.0.1"
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-core:18.0.2'
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-analytics:18.0.2'
implementation 'com.appodeal.ads.sdk:core:2.9.0'
implementation 'com.appodeal.ads.sdk.networks:amazon_ads:'
implementation 'com.appodeal.ads.sdk.networks:applovin:'
implementation 'com.appodeal.ads.sdk.networks:facebook:'
implementation 'com.appodeal.ads.sdk.networks:admob:'
implementation 'com.appodeal.ads.sdk.networks:unity_ads:'

Chrome WebView (default web view for most android phones) is falty, they rolled up an fix, but it is not on everyone’s phone.

My phone is working again (a lot of apps were crashing), but my mom’s and my sister’s don’t.

Came to the same conclusion some minutes ago.
I hate when this kind of stuff happens …
Wheres the “sry we messed up” message in android console? :laughing:

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