Has any one got cocos2dx to to go Cross Platfrom?

I have done every thing in order to make my game go cross platform And I just don’t get it yes I can compile a stranded Hello world but as soon as you start some heavy code Just Errors Every where I have cleaned up all the error and its still saying error but there no error to fix.

I have been crating a game in Xcode with C++ and trying to port it to with v2 for the last fue days now but I’m now at the end of it And I don’t believe it will go cross platform Even when I get a binary out of it Android Crash and don’t like it same for emulators, Xcode and IOS is Prefect no problems.
so I’m asking has anyone manage with the cocos2dx package to go cross platform editing only one source and compiling for others

I can say definitively, yes, many people have gotten Cocos2d-x to “go cross platform”, as that is the general point to Cocos2d-x (versus Cocos2d-iphone), just take a look at The Showcase. My team has been using Cocos since version 2.2.0 (now up to version 3.3) and have built at least 10 apps for both iOS and Android. I too prefer to work in Xcode, and with Cocos version 3.x there is now the Cocos console that practically negates the need to use Eclipse for anything, although you still need to have the Android SDK and NDS installed.

As to what your specific issue is, please post some logs and we may be able to help you resolve your issues.

Thank you for your encouragement that’s good news maybe I should try to port it up to V3 maybe that will solve things I have tried compiling in eclipse NDR V9 and v10 with the new Android compiler , but the funny thing is I don’t have any error but the end of copulation it still says there an error with your app please try to fix it, and that’s at the point I give up I figured I will just write this for IOS only and blow android. but maybe could have a rewrite into V3 and try the Cocos console you say about I will look into it. Anyway Many thanks for your reply as it give me a glimmer of hope Thank you.