Google SDK Box Play - Not working

This won’t work for me. I have invested 30 hours at least trying to get this working.

Our entire class also had issues. Some did get it working, most didn’t.

I have read all google and SDK documents that are linked in the SDK box document.

The SDK Play Box shows some stuff when it init is called


It doesn’t sign in, however.

Has anyone just not been able to get it working full stop?

My Androidmanifest has the correct details
My string has the correct details
My SDK box config has the right details

I generate signed app.

Using CMD

keytool -list -keystore C:\Cocos2D-x\Games\OrbitalWars\\key\androidkey.jks

The SHA1 Certificate fingerprints matched that of Upload certificate SHA1

The App signing certificate is different.

Amy tips

Its working fine for us.
Did you make game live in Alpha or Beta?
Did you add your id as tester and enroll it?
All steps given here :


Yes tried everything. Game is released as Alpha. Testers are added and can download and play the game. testers also enroll yes. Last night after i uploaded new version to double/triple check things.

Reading this tutorial is pretty straight forward. i continue do read deeper into all the google links about everything and double triple checked things, nothing works

Yes followed this . Everything in this has been followed and I have read all the links also that are for more info

Okay, but did you added those testers in Game Services also?
Game services -> Select Game -> Testing -> Add Testers
(Mostly this will need if your game service app is not published)

Yes I did notice that there are two places add testers. I have added myself in both. The link to game says you are a tester and I accept .
Yesterday I double checked all details again and uploaded new apk. When it was released I deleted old one and installed new one. For the first time, the sign in icon appeared. But, I don’t think it signed in. An image should appear if is signed in is true … Also show leaderbaords doesn’t work so still No thing works .

Your more than welcome look with team viewer, at everything.

I genuinely have spent day a and days and days at this. Not only have I read the ask box documentation carefully while double checking every thing, I also read all links for extra info many times including sometimes really carefully