Getting to know our users. (Bonus: Live Stream)

Nobody said that I can not fill out the form twice, right?
Will the Galactic Empire be represented in the report? :smile:

I would prefer unique responses. It is more helpful to my data presentation. :slight_smile:

Just kidding a little. And Iā€™m sure that you can easily identify my last response.

If seriously, Can you use a mailing or something? I donā€™t think it will be identified as spam.

Good idea.

So far only 50 users. Not that many and this means the data is less useful to us. Even using the 50 users out of 30,000 and deriving numbers from it is to far a margin of error.

Not many folks reply to provide data but everyone complains about the direction of the product. Doesnā€™t it make sense that without data we could make decisions that are not in the benefit of users?

Lets get more of you taking this survey, please.

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Already completed!

Looks like its geared towards cocos2d-x users. What about the Creators

Did you read the survey?

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I dont use the cocos2d-x directlyā€¦ How should I answer this?
What version of Cocos2d-x do you use? *

Then donā€™t answer it, I guess, if you just use Creator. It is designed to be a survey for Cocos2d-x users.

@slackmoehrle When is going to happen the live stream?

Not enough people responded to the survey :frowning: We did a live stream in China last night. Had over 500 people watching us.

I understand, but Iā€™m very disappointed. I hope you (the company I mean) really has a plan to push/support Creator adoption outside China, or more users will quit from Creator/Cocos2d-x. Thanks a lot for trying anyway.

We do have a plan. One of my tasks is to make a tutorial series where I teach how to build a game in Cocos Creator. Step by Step, with video too. Perhaps maybe like Overcooked although i was thinking Spy Hunter would be fun.


Yeaā€¦ me too.
To make it outside - it should be rewritten from scratch using Qt, have UI&UX like CocosBuilder has and be made just for C++.

Please, focus on C++ and 2D :slight_smile: