Getting error while using Huawei Crash service in cocos creator

I am newbie to Cocos creator and I am trying to implement Huawei crash service in a demo game.
While calling huawei.agc.crash.CrashService.enableCrashCollection(true), I am getting following error.
Apart from this I have already enabled crash from service panel. Please guide me where I am going wrong.

Simulator: E/jswrapper (274): ERROR: Uncaught ReferenceError: huawei is not defined, location: dst/assets/MainScript.js:0:0



















E/jswrapper (574): [ERROR] (f:\jenkins\workspace\creator_2d\cocos2d-x-lite\windows\cocos2d-x-lite\cocos\scripting\js-bindings\jswrapper\v8\object.cpp, 574): Invoking function (1258D3F8) failed!

at HTMLElement.print-simulator-log (C:\CocosDashboard_1.0.9\resources.editors\Creator\2.4.2\resources\app.asar\editor\builtin\scene\panel\messages\scene.js:1:1606)

at Object.e._dispatch (C:\CocosDashboard_1.0.9\resources.editors\Creator\2.4.2\resources\app.asar\editor-framework\lib\renderer\panel.js:1:1876)

at EventEmitter. (C:\CocosDashboard_1.0.9\resources.editors\Creator\2.4.2\resources\app.asar\editor-framework\lib\renderer\ipc.js:1:2952)

at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:194:13)

at EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:469:20)

at EventEmitter.topLevelDomainCallback (domain.js:124:23)

We can ask @jare to take a look.

Sorry, HUAWEI AGC service or HMS service can only run on HUAWEI phone.

I was running it in simulator. Should I build the app for android and run it in Huawei phone?

Yes, HUAWEI AGC service or HMS service needs huawei phone and most of these framework only support android now.

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