[GAME][ANDROID + iOS] Ball Defence - Defence Game


I released my second game with cocos2d-x!!

play store link
app store link

Use the balls to break the bricks before they hit the ground!

Upgrade below ball specifications by using the coins you earned for breaking the bricks.

  • Increase the number of balls
  • Strengthen the power of balls
  • Increase the speed of balls
  • Size up the balls
  • Increase the chance of breaking the bricks at once

Unlock 27 different types of balls using the diamonds!

Thank you :slight_smile:

How To Play:

  • Upgrade the ball specifications depending on your needs using the coins.
  • Move the balls by touching the screen.

Looks really cool. One thing I wasn’t sure what was going on in the youtube video until I saw the screenshots with the finger. Maybe overlay it in the video but awesome job!

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Cool. Congrats on releasing another game.