Frozen Frames Warnings by Google Play Pre-Launch Report for 3.17 Cocos Demo App

Hi @net4uonline First of all i never knew such things like Google Play Pre-Launch report is exist.
If i talk about my experience with latest Cocos2d-x version (3.16 & 3.15.1) is quite good.
We do have inhouse devices running on 7.0 & 7.1.1 and output on those devices is normal.
Now coming to your problem, i think such automated services is for Apps only, we should not test Games on such services. This is my opinion.
Please try yourself on these actual devices, and may be you wont face any problem at all.

If you cannot reproduce the issue it doesn’t mean there is no issue.
Some issues happen very rare.

You can easily reproduce the issue by checking the jank frames for the cocos demo app - it clearly shows frame render time for atleast one frame 1000 msecs+ which by definition is a “frozen frame” (700 ms+) as defined by Android

I think it’s just during loading media but better to measure.

To fix long loading media we can load it:

  • by small parts (developer can do)
  • in separate thread (cocos2d team can probably do)

there is no media in the cocos demo app except for one png which is the cocos logo! that is definitely not the reason.

I preload items in a separate thread in most of my games.

@slackmoehrle are you loading the cocos2dlib in a seperate thread? i.e. do you start cocos2dxactivity in another activity instead of the “MAIN/ LAUNCHER” activity?

No. Main thread. Cocos would not work otherwise.

@net4uonline Are you able to figure out the cause for this issue? Did you test your game with the real devices for which the issue was reported?

I am facing the exactly same problem with my game built using cocos2d-X 3.16.

@Octane_Test I’m afraid not! Happy to collaborate with you and figure out a solution. The issue exists with a “demo” / “hello world” app also so we could use that as a starting point. Let me know if you are up for it and we can connect.


I do have the same issue on my new game I just submitted. On same devices with 3.17. Anyone know if it will make the game unusable on those devices or is it just one slow frame at launch?


Not unstable. Just one frame slower on startup