[FINAL!] All in one Cocos2d-x&JS v3.7 is released

sorry! now I have understood, I must compile with cocos run/compile -p android --android-studio than works on android studio.

Okay, win phone 8.1 testing is okay here.
no bug.

Will 3.7.1 become an official release, or is it strictly github?

v3.7.1 is an official release.

I saw you dropped the option to download IDE V1 and V2 ,are there any plans for a new IDE?

IDE won’t have a new version, instead, we will have its functionalities merged into our editor for an ALL-in-ONE version

Thanks for your reply @pandamicro, I really look forward to using the all-in-one editor.

Just wondering when should we expect a ALL in ONE version?

Hi, please add full support dynamic lighting. Yes there are sources that is for dynamic lighting, but couldn’t achieve this example easily https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLBxMd1naT4 or Terraria’s

Android Studio 1.3 stable version released with NDK support. Is any plan to support Android studio for debug and compile with cocos2d-x next version 3.8. So we can direct compile or run project from Android studio without using cocos console.

I have the same question. Why :smiley: ?

Same error
@manjureddy48 did you solve this error ? thanks

I didn’t get solution to resolve this issue.Better you can use SDKBOX to add facebook login/share feature but still in SDKBOX we cannot able to call graph api’s.

@slackmoehrle do you have any information about facebook pluginx error ? Does SDKBox replace official pluginx Facebook integration ?

If you are having Facebook integration issues, let us help you. Please post the details so we can take a look. It might be desk to start a new topic in category SDKBOX so we don’t lose track of questions.

I don’t know about this error. I can ask. However, you are correct, SDKBOX is a good replacement for pluginx. You should give it a try. It works well.

Thanks @slackmoehrle . I did not try SDKBox because i follow official Facebook documentation. I will try it. I’m just afraid about web support (because i really need it).
If you can ask about our specific 3.7 error with pluginx on iOS/Facebook, it could be very cool.
Thanks a lot.

@slackmoehrle I am adding facebook login in my app using Facebook SDKBOX and it is working fine in both IOS and Android ,but i am unable to fetch user email ID.

ok start a topic, post your versions of Cocos2d-x and and SDKBOX, post the code you are using and we can help figure it out.