Filtering Collisions - how to?

I’m reading Programming Guide Ch12 - Physics and I’m slightly confused how to setup and use CategoryBitmask and CollisionBitmask to filter collisions properly.

Say, I have the following physics bodies:

Body player, dumb, edge, barrier, bonus, tile

  • player can collide with dumb, edge and bonus
  • dumb can collide with dumb, edge and barrier
  • barrier can collide with dumb
  • bonus can collide with player
  • tile can collide with nothing

How to setup bitmasks and filter body collisions in such scenario?

Have you checked them? good articles to tackle these mind boggling issues.

if you can implement collision grouping system from box2d then please do share them i also need them :smile: for my next prototype.

Easiest way to think of this is to give each body a power-of-two number
This will be their CategoryBitMask

Now to calculate the CollisionBitMask

You want player to collide with dumb, edge and bonus
so the CollisionBitMask is 2 + 4 + 16 = 22.
dumb can collide with dumb edge and barrier
so the CollisionBitMask is 2 + 4 + 8 = 14
barrier collides with dumb
so the collisionBitMask = 2
bonus collides with player
so the collisionBitMask = 1
tile collides with nothing
so the CollisionBitMask = 0


The way to works is because the numbers are powers of two, they represent a bit-pattern
00000001 = 1
00000010 = 2
00000100 = 4
00001000 = 8
00010000 = 16

So the collisionBitMask for player (22) is
00010110 = 22

Now, when you logically AND to binary numbers, the result is a 0 in every position except where BOTH numbers have a 1


0001 & 0001 = 0001
0010 & 0001 = 0000
0011 & 0001 = 0001

So, if I take the player bitmask (22) and AND with barrier category (8)
00010110 & 00001000 = 00000000 - which is zero - so they do not collide
AND with the Edge category (4)
00010110 & 00000100 = 00000100 - which is not zero, so they do collide.


Thanks, @Maxxx!

This post should be added to Programmers Guide :smiley:

Happy to have it added if @slackmoehrle thinks it would be useful!

I guess having all this sort of stuff in one place would be good!

Good ideas, @Maxxx Can you create an issue here:

I am working on the v3.10 version and I will get this info included.

I’ve posted a slightly updated version to the issue - feel free to use how you wish.


Thank you!

Always a pleasure; I’ve knocked the documentation previously so only fair!!

Merry Xmas

For more information on collision bitmasks you can check this video of ours out

EDIT: Sorry Now I understand why power of two is required.

So according to this how should onContactBegin be implemented?

I’d start here …