Falling multiple fruits sequentialy into an bucket?

i wrote code single ball fall into bucket. but i have a logical error to fall multiple balls into bucket and add score? help me guys

whiteeggball: {

        default: null,

        type: cc.Node


    whiteeggballprefab: {

        default: null,

        type: cc.Prefab


    bucketone: {

        default: null,

        type: cc.Node


    buckettwo: {

        default: null,

        type: cc.Node


start () {

    cc.log('whiteeggball pos');

    this.xSpeed = 500;



 update (dt) {

    this.whiteeggball.y -= this.xSpeed * dt;

    cc.log('whiteeggball pos' + this.whiteeggball.y);



how are you putting them in the bucket maybe there is a problem there cause i don’t know how you did it maybe the bucket is the problem:)