Extending Sprite Class


I have a class named MySprite which inherent Sprite and adds a bunch of properties to it.

Created a Factory class called createMySprite which calls
MySprite* theSprite = MySprite::create(“image.png”);

so I can continue to initialize theSprite.
I receive an error: *a value of type "cocos2d::Sprite * cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "MySprite "

What am I doing wrong ?

Show us MySprite class

It’s showing you what the problem is.

You haven’t implemented the MySprite::create method, and you’re still using the Sprite::create, which returns an instance of type Sprite, not MySprite. You need to implement your own MySprite::create method, something like this (you can just copy the Sprite::create and modify it):

MySprite* MySprite::create()
    auto* sprite = new (std::nothrow) MySprite();
    if (sprite && sprite->init())
        return sprite;
    return nullptr;

Thanks, but this does not make sense.
I want to use the parent (Sprite) method of create that receive an string of an image file.

The parent method return a Sprite, I know, but MySprite inherent it (having it is : public Sprite).
So why doesnt it work ?

I see that this is more of a c++ question and not Cocos related.
I’m coming from Java, so maybe things works different here.
Could you explain ?


Post more code. So we can see exactly what you are doing.

Here is the Header file

class MySprite : public Sprite
	void doStuffForMySprite();

	MySprite* createMySprite();

Here is the CPP file
#include “MySprite.h”

MySprite* MySprite::createMySprite()
	MySprite* newSprite = MySprite::create("mySpriteImage.png");


	return newSprite;

void MySprite::doStuffForMySprite()
	// .. Doing stuff with my Sprite

The error appears on the line
MySprite* newSprite = MySprite::create(“mySpriteImage.png”);

a value of type "cocos2d::Sprite * cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "MySprite *"

What @R101 said, makes sense. You can’t make a derived class pointer to point to a parent class type, but reverse of it is perfectly legal.
So, just implement


to get rid off error you mentioned.

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You are passing a file name as a parameter but you don’t have it declared in your header that way

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O.K, that does make sense.

Thank you.

A MySprite is a Sprite, because it derives from Sprite, but a Sprite is not a MySprite since it does not derive from MySprite.

You can only assign an object, B, to another object, A, if and only if B derives from A.

I’m sure there is plenty of info online regarding class inheritance, and it doesn’t matter which OO language you’re using, the concepts are the same.


There can be many implementation one you can do as follows:

#include "cocos2d.h"
class MySprite : public cocos2d::Sprite
    void doStuffForMySprite();

    static MySprite* createMySprite();


#include "MySprite.h"
MySprite* MySprite::createMySprite()

    auto newSprite = new MySprite();

    return newSprite;

void MySprite::doStuffForMySprite()
    // .. Doing stuff with my Sprite