Error Object doesn't support property or method '__defineGetter__' Win8, IE

I build my game using Cocos Creator 1.10.0
When I run my game on Windows 8, IE 10.0.56

I get following error

Object doesn't support property or method '__defineGetter__' 
cocos2d-js-min.js, line 1 character 96350

Unable to get property 'run' of undefined or null reference 
main.js, line 33 character 1

The game works fine, if I run it on Chrome/ Firefox in Windows 8

Can anyone suggest a solution for this ?

Are you sure you want ie10?


Anyway, IE 10 is having problems on Windows 8. It works on Windows 7 and other versions.

Surely this is an Cocos engine issue right?

Ie10 had end of life in 2016. It has huge problems with many things. I am waiting for eol for ie11. So I wouldn’t count on the support of ie10. How many your users have ie10?