error: 'bool cocos2d::CCMenu::m_bEnabled' is private ?

Hello, I am compiling some older projects and when I use the to compile the files, it gets stuck on a line;

cocos2dv2/cocos2dx/menu_nodes/CCMenu.h: In member function ‘virtual bool AISBeganMenu::ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*)’:

cocos2dv2/cocos2dx/menu_nodes/CCMenu.h:59:10: error: ‘bool cocos2d::CCMenu::m_bEnabled’ is private

bool m_bEnabled;
jni/…/…/…/Classes/AISBeganMenu.cpp:97:61: error: within this context
if (m_eState != kCCMenuStateWaiting || ! m_bVisible || !m_bEnabled)

The code it refers to is;

bool AISBeganMenu::ccTouchBegan(CCTouch* touch, CCEvent* event)
    if (m_eState != kCCMenuStateWaiting || ! m_bVisible || !m_bEnabled)
        return false;
    for (CCNode *c = this->m_pParent; c != NULL; c = c->getParent())
        if (c->isVisible() == false)
            return false;
    m_pSelectedItem = this->itemForTouch(touch);
    if (m_pSelectedItem)
        m_eState = kCCMenuStateTrackingTouch;

        return true;
    return false;

Is there any way I can get rid of this error to compile, without butchering the code itself (and removing things like references to m_bEnabled as when I tried that I am convinced it ruined the touch parts of the game.

Much appreciate any help!

What version of cocos2d-x did you start with and what version are you upgrading to?