Embed Cocos App to an Existing Website

Hello everyone.

I had a few minigames running in a website generated by Cocos Creator. And now I want to embed those minigames to a normal website (normal PHP or Aspnet website), is it possible? Because they are minigames so I expect they are draggable and can be minimized.

I searched around, I did think of some thing like “mounting a cocos app to a floating div of website”, but no luck yet.

Your help will be appreciated.


We have a doc available for this: https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/publish/publish-web.html

Thank you for answering.

Actually when I built my own Cocos site, I already followed that link and it worked perfectly.

Anyway my concern is about embed a game to an existing website. E.g: I have a website like alibaba.com, now I want to have a minigames (developed in Cocos) in that webpage to let visitors play to earn discount coupon, the minigame is draggable. I do think that I can achieve that using Cocos but still not yet figure it out how to do.

@jare any advice on integrating Creator apps into already existing websites?

You shoud embbed them as iframe, it will be easier

Yeah, I finally had to do like that. Using JS to control the iframe on/off status, and implement draggability.