Draw cell problem with text

I have a scene with very high drawcells (151) which is due to text (toggling off text reduces draw cells by about 50+). Each rectangle is a prefab, which contains image nodes and a label node that uses a bitmap font.

I read this article on drawcell optimization (Cocos Creator 性能优化:DrawCall - 云+社区 - 腾讯云), and I originally thought that using a bitmap font would automatically cause the label text drawcells to be reduced, but that doesn’t seem to be happening. I’m just wondering is this because the label nodes are embedded in separate prefabs, and so it isn’t being cached? And any tips on how I can optimise the text drawcells?

What version of Creator are you using? I can ask engineering to have a look.

Thank you! I’m using 2.4.0

The article you read has gone into great detail, I tested it and drawcall has reduced, could you offer me a demo for how you optimise the text drawcalls now?