Don't show admob in game when build release (ios/android)

Game show admob very fine when build id banner test in ios và android:

i’m using: cocos2d-x js v3.13
sdkbox: v1.0.1.34

congfig sdkbox_config.json: “test”: true

but when build release: “test”: false and i added my id admob from:
“ads”: {
“full-screen”: {
“type”: “interstitial”,
“id”: “ca-app-pub-9937521762233785/5172987XXX”
“top-banner”: {
“type”: “banner”,
“id”: “ca-app-pub-9937521762233785/2818286XXX”,
“alignment”: “top”
“bot-banner”: {
“type”: “banner”,
“id”: “ca-app-pub-9937521762233785/5660824XXX”,
“alignment”: “bottom”
so don’t show banner and interstitial.

Thanks all

have you try ?

is it ok?

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thanks, It’s fine