Does creator include cocos2d-x?

I am using Xcode in MacBook Pro M1 but it seems that cocos2d-x is not updated since 2019. There are some features seems to be missing. For example, compiling and running app in native iOS-arm64-simulators.

I want to know whether there is any plan to update cocos2d-x. Or whether creator (which is actively under development) supports Xcode programming in MacBook Pro M1.

Thanks in advance!

Cocos Creator is a different product but uses some parts of 2d-x for improving the engine. We’d highly recommend you use Creator. It does support Xcode.

My code is a multiyear c++ project created by standard cocos command:

  • cocos new MyGame -p com.your_company.mygame -l cpp -d NEW_PROJECTS_DIR

Then develop using Xcode.

Before I start downloading and trying creator, may I ask whether my existing project would still run under Xcode. At this moment I don’t plan to switch to creator GUI.

Your existing project will remain the same even after you download creator, creator doesn’t change any Cocos2dx project, so don’t worry. But the old project you created with Cocos2dx won’t be able to be upgraded to Cocos Creator. They have entirely different engine design and data model, so for using Cocos Creator you can create new projects to try it out