Does Cocos2d-x 4.0 support Linux (Ubuntu 18.04+)?

Some documentation does not mention Linux support. But does cocos2d-x 4.0 support development on and deployment to Linux (Ubuntu 18.04 and later)?

We support Linux on Cocos2d-x 3+ and the documentation does say we support it:

If you don’t need v4, stay with v3. I’d be happy to test v4 on my linux box in the next day or 2.

Well, it was a bit unclear, since Linux is not mentioned, e.g., here:

I see, that makes sense. I’m planning on testing v4 and Ubuntu today.

I tested v4 on Ubuntu 18.04 and there is just one error in the documentation, I’ll submit a PR to fix it. Basically the docs say:

cd cocos2d-x-root # where your cocos2d-x directory is located.
cd build
mkdir linux-build
cd linux-build
cmake ../..

and it should now be:

cd cocos2d-x-root # where your cocos2d-x directory is located.
mkdir -p build/linux-build
cd build/linux-build
cmake ../..

or some variation of that to keep the Linux build separate from the root.

Update: I merged this PR to fix this issue plus a broken link I noticed

Update 2: The docs ave been re-deployed with this fix: Linux · GitBook

Hi! That’s awesome!

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