Console output not shown with NSLog

CCLog output is shown in the console.
NSLog (from Objective C code) is not shown in the console.

More important:
AdMob SDK Console output is not shown (probably because it uses NSLog).

There is no such problem in pure IOS Objective C code.
Only in mixed code Objective C / C++, probably because the cocos2dx code takes control over the standard output.

How to enable console messages that are printed with 3rd party SDK using NSLog?

are you sure your not just missing it ? because the NSLogs get printed to my console output , search for your string in the search menu of the console

Me too in Xcode console.

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I’m using cocos2dx / C++ 2.2.6, Xcode 10.1,
And I checked very carefully
It is not printed

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Why are you still using 2.2.6?

It is an old code, quite large, didn’t have time to migrate

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with 3rd party libs you sometimes have to set a flag to enable logging like -enableLogging(true) for example (some have different tiers of logging with different flags). Make sure the SDK is set to log, just an extra thought.

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