Compile for Windows x64

Hi All,

Just wondering if anybody has compiled cocos2d-x for Windows x64?
All of the dependencies included with cocos2d-x at the moment are 32-bit and the win32 project doesn’t include an x64 target.


I’m currently trying to do this, but it’s not straightforward.
Compilation seems to have worked, but the prebuilt libraries are incomplete.
There are some x64 prebuilt libraries in the win10 folders that seem to be OK to link to but not all of them by far, eg. libpng and libjpeg don’t have win10 versions and only the x86 build of the win32.

Fundamentally this seem to not be a considered or supported build configuration. We have win32/x86, win10/x86, win10/x64 and win10/ARM but not win32/x64 for some reason.

Did you try VCPKG yet? VCPKG - an MS handled project to support VS programmers to download & compile any open-source library you can think of, 64 or 32 bit, dll or static compiled with /MT, in form of simple command-line request with parameters. I’m myself requested & automatic compiled all external dependency libs, like OpenAL32, libmpg123, etc, static compile and link them to libcocos2d.dll, so my win32 project now consist only 1 exe and 1 dll.

Sounds very useful - I’ll give it a try.