Code sync bug when building ios cc 3.5.1

When i edit file info.plist in xcode. In folder native/engine/ios, file info plist not change. how to fix it ?

What do you want to change in the info.plist file?

I add key and value like image

@lirn I want to ask more that I want to add files and Utils.h, what should I do?

@hungpro849 you should modify native/engine/ios/Info.plist. It will take effect.
As source code are managed by cmake, you should modify native/engine/ios/CMakeLists to add source codes file, for example:


CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR means the path of native/engine/ios. And i thought and Utils.h are in native/engine/ios.

Sorry, we will add more documentation for it in v3.6. It is in plan.

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i try to edit, and it works well, the URL types is CFBundleURLTypes,after set Raw keys & values, it will appear.

i will try it later. I want to ask more that i alway run command arch -x86_64 pod install in project ios after build . How to automatically run above command when i build ios ? @zhangxm @linrm

There are two ways:

  • skip updating Xcode if you don’t want build command update it
  • custom build process, can refer to this doc