Cocos2dx spine updated crash

i am using cocos2dx 3.17.2
i was using spine version 3.6.37
my spine code was running perfectly

but when i update spine version to 3.8.95 i am getting crash like this

Screenshot 2021-03-03 at 4.07.45 PM

here is my code

int productId=7737;
    string ageSuffix="a";
    string sequence="1";
    string strProduct = to_string(productId)+ageSuffix;
    string _strFolderLocation=folderReplaceSkeletalSpineOther+to_string(productId)+"/";
    SkeletonAnimation *spine = SkeletonAnimation::createWithJsonFile(_strFolderLocation+strProduct+".json", _strFolderLocation+strProduct+".atlas");
    spine->setAnimation(0, sequence, true);
    spine->setPosition(0, 0);

pleasse help me

solved update spine software

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