cocos2dx 2.0.4 (2012-11-02) no source files in project

I have download cocos2dx 2.0.4(2012-11-02) and create project by running bat file for ANdroid, but there is no files generate inside the src\org\cocos2dx?
I have issue with version 2.0.3 also.
Can anyone help to resolve the issue.

OS: Windows 7(32 bit)
Platform : Android

Thank you.

Please refer to

Thank you for replay.
I import the sample code from cocos2dx 2.0.4 but there is no package org.cocos2dx.lib ,it also not created if i run create-android-project.bat .

Thank you.

I also encountered this problem.

Made it runs by importing all projects in cocos2d-x-2.0.4 folder (around 5, 6 projects) into Eclipse, not just the project I created.

Hope this issue will be fixed soon :slight_smile:

jigar shah wrote:

I have download cocos2dx 2.0.4(2012-11-02) and create project by running bat file for ANdroid, but there is no files generate inside the srcorgcocos2dx?
I have issue with version 2.0.3 also.
Can anyone help to resolve the issue.
OS: Windows 7(32 bit)
Platform : Android
Thank you.

I have resolve the issue,
I need to add manually package into project,you can find package $COCOS2DX_PATH/platform/android/java
for more details please check this out.

Thank you.

where can find the package $cocos2dx_path/platform/android/java ?
in my cocos2dx path ,no contain this file.

As i posted, the article describes it
As you can see, you should import libcocos2dx, it is a separate android project, and it is depended by all samples.