Cocos2d-x v3.17.2 released!

@R101 yep, you are right.

Did you mean the CI used in the github repo? Yep, it uses command line to build.

I don’t know what happened to it

NDK path: E:\android-ndk-r19c
SDK path: D:\ProgramFiles\Android\sdk
Cocos path: E:\cocos2d-x-3.17.2
Project path: E:\Template

cd E:
cocos new Template -l js -p com.tunt.cocostemplate -d ./
cd .\Template
cocos compile -p android --android-studio -m release (14.3 KB)

are you following our docs? @bayquabaoto

@slackmoehrle I am trying to compile js project

Perhaps I can find a spare machine to try these steps on.

@slackmoehrle I tried it on macbook and it works fine. I have trouble using Windows 10

yeah, macOS and Linux work for me. I don’t have easy access to a Windows machine.

You can use bootcamp with macOS

Yup, I also need a Windows license :slight_smile: I’m not going to dual boot my Mac though.

I have attached the file you can check (14.3 KB)

@bayquabaoto for me it is the same problem:

Too long path:

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@zhangxm, @slackmoehrle What is the recommended NDK version for Cocos2d-x v3.17.2 ?

  1. In travis/appveyor CI I see android-ndk-r16b
  2. In post above I see android-ndk-r19c
    Cocos2d-x v3.17.2 released!

@CrazyHappyGame I think @zhangxm has thought about this already:

@slackmoehrle, @zhangxm if NDK r19c is recommended for Cocos2d-x v3.17.2 than I see two issues:

  1. It is not good to recommended/use “NDK r19c” for test and use in CI “NDK r16b”
    In travis/appveyor CI I see android-ndk-r16b

  2. It is not good to have prebuild compiled with “NDK r16” and cocos2d-x and game with “NDK r19c”
    Please see

Note: While we attempt to maintain ABI compatibility across NDK releases, this is not always possible. For the best compatibility, you should use not only the same STL as your dependencies but also the same version of the NDK whenever possible.

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@CrazyHappyGame I have created a project in the path E: /, I can no longer create it

@CrazyHappyGame yep, you are right. We want to use latest NDK version, but rebuilt all 3rd parties with latest NDK version is a pain.

@bayquabaoto it is wired, the QA tested the same commands as you on windows 10, but don’t have any problem. Did you install other cocos2d-x version, then the cocos commands refer to other cocos2d-x version.

I tried cocos v3.17, ndk r17c and the results are still the same

@zhangxm I have 2 Windows devices, 1 device is active

Can you show your whole path according to $PATH