Cocos2d-x v3.10 released

This means that your Launch Images are wrong.

But I was using the default images provided by cocos2d-x?

but I was using the default images provided by cocos2d-x? BTW, why it has to be related to launch images?

what’s the solution for the wrong resolutions?

You need a launch Image for the various resolutions.

Hey @Maxxx

In case you haven’t figured it out yet.
It happens because the code in your Xcode project still points to the MainScene.ccb if I remember correctly
but I guess all your edited changes in Cocos Studio should be in some other ccb file.

So, load that .ccb file in your code.
It works fine, I am currently working on it.


Great! Looks like I am missing 375w-667h and 414w-736h. is it possible to let cocos2d-x include them just like other default images when we create a cocos2d-x project?

Actually you are missing 2 more, notice the last 2 in this screenshot…for iPhone 4and less support.
Here are mine finished minus iphone 4 support, finishing that this weekend.

I tested on every simulator and 4 different hardware devices. These work for everything.

Hi, can I deploy a Lua game on HTML 5 using this version?

There are misspell at
“Customized Version” -> “socketio” -> “ScoketIO library support”

word “ScoketIO” is invalid

Just wondering has anyone got the remote debugging working on Xcode ver 7.2.1 and Firefox ver 44.0.2?

We’ve been following the instruction as per this page:

But we could never get to start the debugger. Any idea?

For remote debugging use firefox version below 30.


On another note, I’m quite confused on how to load ttf for javascript?

I did this…
var fontDef = new cc.FontDefinition();
fontDef.fontName = “res/font/Arial_rounded.tff”;
fontDef.fontSize = 48;

var loginLabel = new cc.LabelTTF(‘Test’, fontDef);

But it is still using system font…

fontDef.fontName = "res/font/Arial_rounded.tff"; should not contain path but name of the font and load the font using using cc.loader.load

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Btw, the doc links to v3.10 JS docs are broken, listed above… …sigh

It works for me…

Ah, just looks broken on my phone.

I’ll check into this.

@aaronglyang 不过从啊