Cocos2d-x UI C++ Video Tutorial Series

Many users have requested a high quality tutorial series on Cocos2d-x UI C++ and here it is.

1. Setting Up The Project -

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Keep up the good work!

Just a question: what if I don’t add LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES in

Then the UI features won’t work for Android.

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Uhmmm, there’s something strange then in my last project, because I’ve used a lot of cocos ui widget and compiled with ndk for android and it seems to works like win32 version.

Also here: they say that is not needed.

It should be ok with the video tutorial

Another video :smiley:

UIButton -

Do u have in-app video tutorial for Android ,im using Cocos-helper on ads and analytics, sdkbox in-app did’t work with cocos-helper .

@SonarSystems Greetings! Since last year, you’ve been very productive. Your tube channel, has lots of interesting videos for beginners now, the fact that most videos have a ZIP with the source below is also great.

Now you’ve done all the buttons, widgets, labels, scene transitions, howto android, etc…
All the exciting stuff. How about some real game tutorials? :wink:

Start for example with a simple match 3 game, from resource packing to building the grid, writing your for loops, detecting which tile has been picked, etc. Have a look at Emanuele Feronato “Learning Cocos2D-JS” book for inspiration.

Complete mini games, from A to Z. (they don’t even need to have graphics, use squares and circles)
These are the kind of tutorials, people would be willing even to pay money for.
C++ and JS, all updated to 3.6.

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Not ATM sorry but we are working on it,

This is definitely something we are looking into.

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@SonarSystems Great! This should be on top of your priority list.
Creating real games with a real framework.

Most game ideas have been done, endlessly cloned and published to the App Store and Google Play alredy.
By individuals and companies. The chance to hit the top 50 (not even talking about top 10) without a paid investment is almost unreal. Here is a great explanation of what’s going on:

This is the hardcore reality of it. Some people still think they got this “million dollar game”, while in reality any published game will cost tons of money, before it can make any.

So please forum, don’t hold back your code, share it! Contribute to GitHub repo.
Lets make Cocos2D-X even better. Nothing is unique anymore, these days are over.

Sadly we know the harsh reality, we are looking for ways of improving the community as a whole. Biggest issue we are facing is that we are a startup which means we have limited resources otherwise we would be creating multiple video series’ every week.

I understand. Keep up the good work.
Trying to do the same over here actually, by contributing to the docs and helping out users, if time allows it.

We would love it if you could contribute to the Cocos Helper.

UICheckBox video -

UIEditBox video -

UIImageView video -

UILayout video -

UIListView video -