請問一下cocos2d-x html5,可以不要經過web server直接在IE10上執行嗎,請告知,謝謝。

我目前想要開發Metro Style APP HTML5遊戲,想要用cocos2d-x html5 引擎,
可是我發現cocos2d-x html5引擎,不能本機執行,透過web server執行才正常,
請問一下有辦法不用透過web server也能正常執行嗎? 麻請告知,謝謝。

the api that cause the framework to require it to run on a server is “XMLHttpRequest” which is needed to load files such as .plist and .tmx
some browsers such as firefox, opera, and safari for mac can use “XMLHttpRequest” without a server

Right now we are focusing on javascript binding, however, we will fix this issue later by automatically switching out XMLHttpRequest for “metro file access API” under metro environment

Hao Wu wrote:

the api that cause the framework to require it to run on a server is “XMLHttpRequest” which is needed to load files such as .plist and .tmx
some browsers such as firefox, opera, and safari for mac can use “XMLHttpRequest” without a server
Right now we are focusing on javascript binding, however, we will fix this issue later by automatically switching out XMLHttpRequest for “metro file access API” under metro environment

請問一下,是不是只用不用到 “XMLHttpRequest”這個API,其他的都可以不經過web server直接執行,如果不用“XMLHttpRequest”有那些功能受到影響?請告知,謝謝