Cocos2d-x Airplay SDK port - first release

Hi all. I finished the initial stage of porting Cocos2d-x on airplay SDK.

When porting used Airplay SDK 4.4 beta3 and cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.7.2-rc.
Now one way or another performed all tests, except chimpunk and CocosDenshion.
The current implementation does not support: TTF fonts, some boot modes PNG (16 bit and grayscale with alpha channel) and something else probably.

Now it works to run the application in release mode, and deployment …

HelloWorld.jpg (79.5 KB) (3211.1 KB)

HelloWorld.jpg (79.5 KB) (3018.1 KB)

Cool, well done.

Good job!

You are using IwGL? The new feature in Airplay SDK 4.4 beta3.

Yes - used IwGl. I think that the problems in release mode associated with the beta functions of the IwGl.

double post

Yeah, hope Airplay to fix IwGL bug and release some new version of 4.4 betaxx asap.

Again, you’ve done an excellent job.

This is awesome!
Thanks for your hard work.

Great! Can we merge the release to github?

@Walzer & armx

I test the “test case” in cocos2d-x airplay version, it’s ok.

Is the Airplay Beta for windows only

Yes, right now, only windows version

the link is here:

Walzer wrote:

Great! Can we merge the release to github?

Yes of course.
It is only necessary to consider two things:

  1. xpat used instead of libxml2 - so it was changed CCTMXXMLParser.
  2. are not supported TTF fonts - so it was changed m_pFPSLabel (for display FPS)

Now it works to run the application in release mode, and deployment …

Now it works to run the application in release mode, and deployment …

really?!good news

I will try, and what bug have you fixed?

Yes - now everything works.
My stupid mistake fixed by man from the site of airplay … I put a new version in the first post.
If anyone can try to deploy the application on the device - would be great.

OK , I just compile it , and then try to deploy it on my iPad

Please check before deploying MemSize in app.icf - now probably too big.
Unfortunately I now have no opportunity to test the deployment …

Morning, bob. I’m on qq now, can you go online and help me to run this port? I have some trouble here.

ok, I am on

Hi, have just run new update with Mac SDK 4.4 Beta 4, CoCos2dX compiles fine, and runs in Airplay Emulator, There are problems though, and fails to run on iPhone 3g with iOS 4.1. In the Airplay Emultator I get over 30 lines of ERROR: 5 in device 25, the mouse becomes locked to the screen when moving menu up and down, in some tests rendering is corrupt. Hope this helps.