Cocos2D x 3.17.1 Which is better in the way loading cocos studio .csb file and the way creating UI programmatically

Hello, everyone
I am developing game project with Cocos2d-x Lua 3.17.1.
So I want to know which way I should use in the way loading cocos studio .csb file and the way creating UI programmatically.
Which is better for performance?
Best regards.

I side with programmatically because Cocos Studio has been deprecated for a long while and also when I learned to program on Borland c++ for DOS ( and then Solaris with makefiles in college) we didn’t have GUI tools. Lol.

If I generate csb file using old cocos studio version and use it, cocos studio 3.10 for example, then how will its performance be slower than doing programmatically?

In Lua I don’t know.