Cocos2d-JS Parse SDK Integration


I am a Cocos2d-X C++ developer, I am trying to port one of my game in JS for making a web version of the game. The game will have a active communication with server for data storage, for this I am trying to add Parse SDK to my Cocos2d-X webOnly app.

As per the tutorial available on the official website I am trying to create a parse object using var Parse = require(‘parse’); statement but it always gives Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined error. I have added dependencies in devDependencies in project.json file but its not working. Can somebody point me in the right direction? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance !! :]

Hi, I haven’t used the JS SDK, but this may be helpful:

Also, you are trying to integrate the Parse SDK in JS, and you are porting from C++, does that mean you have successfully integrated your C++ version of the game with a Parse server? I’m curious, that’s all :slight_smile:

Actually I ported my c++ code to JS and than integrated Parse server, it is working fine now.:smile:

Hows the performance between c++ and js?