Cocos Studio 2 Feedback

I have a label in cocos studio and I’m trying to change it’s text. I tried setString method, but it has no effect. As for label I used default font at first and later I tried other font (font filename lowercase without spaces). But it’s just not changing…

The main problem with Cocos Studio is (what can only be described as) awful documentation for working with cocos studio and cocos2d-x. The entire wiki/docs section actually is pretty terrible. Someone needs to completely rethink the structure for both the wiki and docs and make a clear section for Cocos2D-x 3.3 (current documentation) and then for the older stuff move all the old versions of documentation to an archive of sorts so it’s still accessible but out of the way. At the moment it’s all mixed together, guides/tutorials that contain information or code that is deprecated or no longer relevant, it’s very confusing, some is marked as being old and some isn’t.

If I were working at Chukong, I would scrap the entire wiki and start from fresh only referring to the old wiki for bits of reusable information. I’d also invest in a better English translator (no offense but there are some bad spelling mistakes). As great as the community are I wouldn’t rely on them for creating professional tutorials either, I would move all the community created tutorials to a separate section, the main reason for this being if they write bad code then everyone who follows that tutorial will be implementing bad code.

In regards to the Cocos Studio section alone, a lot of the links for the guides in the docs section such as all the “Create a Game” links are broken. It really is unacceptable. There is no code examples or snippets and if you refer to the examples in the CPP-tests UI section it’s mixed up with older UI code and there is no comments attached to the code, it’s like here is a chunk of code… now understand it, it’s just really time consuming. A great addition would be a tutorial to how each cocos studio sample project (Cococ Studio 2/Samples) was made with clear directions and screenshots.

Actually that brings me to another point, the UI Section in CPP-tests needs to be restructured as well, I would take the Cocos Studio specific examples out of the UI section and make a section just for Cocos Studio examples, such as animations and callbacks with widget readers, it’s too mixed up with other examples at the moment.

The programmers guide is a great example of good documentation, if the other documentation/wiki could be reinterpreted as something similar then I think that would be a great step for cocos2d-x

Finally I would say don’t be so eager to rush out the updates, there’s no point in releasing an update if it’s only a couple of small features or not completely stable. I would get a solid list of new features make sure they are all working correctly and first fix the current issues with cocos studio. Constant updates might attract developers initially but if the framework/software isn’t stable they won’t stick around. Great stable frameworks and software is what keeps developers loyal to cocos2d-x.

Sorry for the wall of text.

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Here you can find a cocos studio documentation

FYI: The links in the chapters aren’t working. Only use this overview for navigation.

I think the studio developers really need! our feedback. When they wait and release a new version every 3 months or so than the feedback will be a lot bigger (and the next release will be postponed). I think the current time cycle is okay. What they really should do is being more transparent what the version changed, what is new and how it is used. Like there (use google translator).

Can someone help me with label :stuck_out_tongue: ?

setString(text) is working for me for a label. (cocos studio 2.1 beta and cocos2d-x 3.3)

Oh I see so the reason may be only one: are you using mac os x or windows?

I’ve already seen the full cocos studio documentation, it’s vastly incomplete as far as I’m concerned, just an opinion.

Okay I just installed fresh windows 8 on bootcamp to check how things differ on windows from mac and I’m… shocked a bit. I downloaded cocos studio and the whole project structure it created changed. Where the hell are wp8-xaml, win8.1-universal projects? I also downloaded cocos2d-x 3.3 from website and cocos studio is telling me that cocos is not installed, so I had to download it again with gui. Coudn’t it just ask for path? (yes I ran but no effect at all).
I see good things like there’s no more a copy of whole cocos2d folder for each project…

I totally agree with you. And I really appreciate your post. We’re working on documentation, but good documentation actually takes a lot of time and effort, at the moment we’re focus on Programmer’s guide, and then hopefully revep the rest of the documentation.

Me and riq all supports quality over quantity, hopefully we can start moving towards that direction.

Sounds like you’ve got the right idea then, I’m glad cocos2d-x is moving in the right direction, make a great framework even better.

What happened to Flash Import of Cocostudio?

I can’t seem to find a Flash Import that were present from Cocostudio 1.6 :smiley:

@Inzam you can download “CocosStudioPlugin.zxp” from and install it in Flash CS6.

I tried it yesterday and it works nice. The problem is that I can’t load the Shark example in the code and run it.

This code don’t work with that Shark animation:

auto rootNode = CSLoader::createNode(“Shark.csb”);

cocostudio::timeline::ActionTimeline *timeline = CSLoader::createTimeline(“Shark.csb”);

timeline->gotoFrameAndPlay(0, 20, true);

Does anybody know how to load it in 3.3 version of cocos2dx?

Thanks panor. I’ll take a look on this and try it out myself.

Can you create a separate thread for CocostudioV2.0 and Flash?
There might be other people who wants to discuss this topics further?

Have anyone ever tried to input cocos studio armature and its other assets into parallax node?
Do you succeed?


We are now planning a Cocos Studio tutorial series, we want to involve the community in the planning process for creating this series so we cover exactly what you want.

You can share your thoughts here

Sonar Systems

Uhm… thank you for your kindness.
I would look forward to it.

One more question.
I don’t know which version of cocos studio I should use to integrate within cocos2d-x 3.2.
Any hint?

@gOzaru You can use the 2.1 using the csb binary export.

Thank you El_Jorge.
I would try that version in binary export.
Ty, ty.

Hi all,
I have installed Cocos2d-x and Cocos Studio 2 on a Mac OS X, when I run Cocos Studio and I try to create a new project I get this notification

Cocos Framework has not been detected in the system, please download it in Launcher and install it

Cocos is in my path and fully working.
The versions are:

  • OS X: 10.10.1
  • Cocos2d-x: 3.4
  • Cocos for Mac: 2.1


@glsatwork Go to cocos store, download item named “cocos framework” and install it. You can also download just cocos2d-x 3.4 (from the same store or directly from cocos2d-x download) and use (and cocos console to create a project).