Cocos Helper - Add Chartboost, AdMob, Google Play etc easily With Video Tutorials With Free Skype Assistance

We released SDKBOX 1.0.1 yesterday with Google Analytics, support for v2.2.6 and all of v3.x.

Edit: @SonarSystems please don’t start flagging my posts as SPAM.

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I am integrating ads for the first time in my game using cocos helper using multiple ads providers(not video ads) - chartboost and admob.

How to manage frequency and how to switch between both in the game. I’ve read somewhere that using both is always a good strategy but need to know how the technical things using both are handled.

Thanks :smile:

Hello, when the UI Framework will be released?

We are only discussing the possibility of the plugin atm, let us know what sort of features you would like in it so we can get a solid picture of what we need to do.

What the scenario you are trying to achieve?


  1. I am trying to put both Chartboost and admob (for android) to be there in this game. Some time back I’ve read that it is good to put multiple services instead of just one because then the ad variety is more.
  2. And apart from just this, I want to control the frequency of ads to be displayed in the game, like, User has been playing since 10 min then I want an ad to display after game over. Basically, controlling the ad frequency on my own.

1: You can randomise the ads in Cocos2d-x
2: This is more game specific and needs to be checked using Cocos2d-x, ATM its beyond the helper

A simple basic ui plugin, with support fort labels, alignement…

We will be doing basic stuff like joysticks and audio toggles initially, ATM we are porting the Helper to Cocos2d-JS.

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Yes that 10 min thing was just an example so I think what I asked is not exactly game specific. I just wanted to know that how can I switch between ads of chartboost and admob as per the need ?

If statement but we will be developing an online platform so you can mediate ads and other features, even disable features without updating the app.


I am not sure if I made my scenario clear.

I meant, there are games which use multiple ad providers in the same game. And since the same ads is sometimes shown many times which makes highly decreases the chances that user will click that ad which he has seen many times and is not interested in. So, using multiple ad provider can help to avoid this.
And we don’t need to update app for this kind of thing.

May be, I would need to relocate that post in this forum itself where I read it. Ha! But its too old post to locate easily :open_mouth: :smiley:

Well a simple if statement with a random number generator to switch up the ads.

  1. Cache the ads from different ad providers
  2. Randomize the ads and show them to the user
  3. Profit
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Thanks for that suggestion. Ya, I could recall from that post which I was talking about that it was about caching the ads but how exactly should I do that?

And just to confirm can’t I do it without caching by just using if statement like @SonarSystems is saying?

The ad SDKs API provide a caching mechanism.

No. It just selects the actual ad loaded by the different ad providers.
The caching mechanism stores many ads to show to the user when you decide to. E.g., you can preload 20 ads and show them one after another.

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Like number 4 :smiley:

We all do, but 3… I don’t tell :wink:

Have to find out first, if my secret sauce has enough flavour.

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which is why experience always matters :smiley:

Like your answers :smiley: