Cocos Creator v3.0 released!

Is this happening all the time ? How it’s happening? Every time you enter the editor or after using it for a while?
We have encountered webgl issue caused by GPU driver, but very rare. Can you share your hardware setups and OS environment ?

You should use setPosition function or position property setter (this.node.position = newPositionVector). Please use chrome devtools to set a break point in update function during preview. Then you can see whether it’s invoked and log out the this.node.position before and after setPosition. That will give you more information about what’s happening

And yes, for concrete questions please open new topics so that it’s easier to focus.

We actually plan to use techniques like AssemblyScript to compile the TS code to more performant native code, that’s in the long term plan, we’d like to ease up the transition for the future.

Hey there.

Somehow I can’t import a CCv3 OSX project to CC on windows.
The editor goes kinda blank. I tried several projects (around 5-6)
and none worked. (The other way around it works though…)

Anyone else experiences this? Is this a known issue? Is there something I might
have overlooked?

Also: The particle system, especially the trails module often bugs out the editor.

And on a side note: builds with web-mobile seem to act funny when flipping the canvas from portrait to landscape. There will be a small gray area at the bottom of the screen in landscape. (tested with my own project and with the hello world project on iPhone & Huawei Tablet, same thing on both devices.)

Otherwise it’s been quite the solid experience so far with CC3.
And I have soo much fun with it. :slight_smile:

(I just wished there would be already at least some postprocessing (i.e. Bloom to get more out of emissive materials) but I think I’ve read that this is on the roadmap somewhere. )

Why TS only ? … was also my question. Currently we have the “import 2.xx” files into CC3.0 solution. Does it mean also my JS code will be transformed into TS to the new CC3.0 ? Sadly not all Projects from v2.xx survive the import to v3.0

Does it complain about anything ? You can open developer tools inside Developer menu, maybe there are more information.

How can we reproduce it ? Or do you have a test project so that we can investigate

We found a adaptation issue for iOS, but not on Android, try to setup design resolution and adaptation policy to fit width or height in project config panel

Post process is waiting our frame graph implementation, so hang on a bit, it will come

It’s for the type part, it’s impossible to do future improvements without type, and we know in some case JavaScript performance is THE obstacle to overcome, that’s what we must handle.

Truly sorry that there is no automatic code transformation in the migration tool, you still need to rewrite part of the code to make it work, and there are changes on APIs, so it’s indeed a countable work to do.

Seems like a great update but i have an issue:
consider the next ss.ts file:

import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc';
const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;
export class ss extends Component {
    test() {
    async testAsync() {
    onLoad() {

when I run a simple test in chrome
regular function is called from ss.ts
but the async function is being called from ss.js

this makes it imposible to debug async code.

Okay, got it. Seems like CC3.0 will be the Benchmark for next-gen. development. I just hope we can stay for a longer time on TS. So it should work, when we one day arrive at CC4.0.

Checked the Dev-Tools, doesn’t say anything. CC loads all resources and then stops right away after the last resource is loaded… (i.e. “loading resources db://assets/xxx.xx (56/56)”) and then nothing happens anymore…

The top menu panel in the editor is active, i.e. I can browse the menu and select for example the project settings. With some menu entries, like scene, I can select them but nothing happens and the editor itself stays in the “loading resources” mode/window. So no scene graph or viewport or anything else.

I’ll try to see what I can find out about this.

EDIT: Error message right here after enabling trail module:
[preview-error]Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'vertexBuffers' of null in http://localhost:7456/scripting/engine/bin/.cache/dev/preview/bundled/index.js

After this error message the trail module disappears from the Inspector…
And after that I am also unable to remove to Particle System from the node alltogether until I disable it and then I can remove it.
Any idea what’s going on?

You can try opening the assets debugging tool, there may be some clues.

Develop - Open Asset DevTools

got a long list of errors about [Asset DB] The “path” argument must be of type string. Received undefined for almost all .plist of the sprite sheets.

So, Asset Dev Tools it is.
Let’s see…
After once again trying to import a OSX project to Windows
I get multiple entries / variations of this:

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'C:\Cocos\xxx\library\.assets-info.json'
    at Object.openSync (fs.js:466)
    at Object.func [as openSync] (electron/js2c/asar_bundle.js:5)
    at Object.writeFileSync (fs.js:1366)
    at Object.writeFileSync (C:\CocosDashboard_1.0.11\resources\.editors\Creator\3.0.0\resources\app.asar\node_modules\jsonfile\index.js:117)
    at Object.outputJsonSync (C:\CocosDashboard_1.0.11\resources\.editors\Creator\3.0.0\resources\app.asar\node_modules\fs-extra\lib\json\output-json-sync.js:15)
    at InfoManager.saveImmediate (C:\CocosDashboard_1.0.11\resources\.editors\Creator\3.0.0\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@editor\asset-db\libs\info.ccc:1)
    at C:\CocosDashboard_1.0.11\resources\.editors\Creator\3.0.0\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@editor\asset-db\libs\info.ccc:1

one like this:

C:\CocosDashboard_1.0.11\resources\.editors\Creator\3.0.0\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@base\electron-logger\lib\renderer.ccc:1 Importer exec failed: {asset[C:\Cocos\xxx\assets\Scenes\._Main.scene](f61700dc-6b4c-47e2-9da0-9d30130a6a01)}
(anonymous) @ C:\CocosDashboard_1.0.11\resources\.editors\Creator\3.0.0\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@base\electron-logger\lib\renderer.ccc:1

and one like this:

C:\CocosDashboard_1.0.11\resources.editors\Creator\3.0.0\resources\app.asar\node_modules@base\electron-logger\lib\renderer.ccc:1 SyntaxError: C:\Cocos\xxx\assets\Scenes._Main.scene: Unexpected token

also get a dozen warnings in a row like this one:

DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not parse content for file:///F:/jenkins/workspace/Creator_3D/editor-3d/resources/3d/engine/bin/.cache/dev/editor/bundled/ Unexpected end of JSON input


aaaand a sinlge one like this:

C:\CocosDashboard_1.…\lib\renderer.ccc:1 SyntaxError: Unexpected token  in JSON at position 0
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at (C:\CocosDashboard_1.…-db\libs\meta.ccc:1)
    at MetaManager.get (C:\CocosDashboard_1.…-db\libs\meta.ccc:1)
    at C:\CocosDashboard_1.…libs\asset-db.ccc:1
    at recursiveSync (C:\CocosDashboard_1.…db\libs\utils.ccc:1)
    at recursiveSync (C:\CocosDashboard_1.…db\libs\utils.ccc:1)
    at Object.recursiveSync (C:\CocosDashboard_1.…db\libs\utils.ccc:1)
    at AssetDB.refresh (C:\CocosDashboard_1.…libs\asset-db.ccc:1)
    at async AssetDB.start (C:\CocosDashboard_1.…libs\asset-db.ccc:1)
    at async C:\CocosDashbo…ages\database.ccc:1
(anonymous)	@	C:\CocosDashboard_1.…\lib\renderer.ccc:1

again, this is a one way street. This happens only OSX → Windows.
Windows → OSX is always fine, I did that a couple of times already without any problems.

( By the way: Looks like somehow scene: Main became ._Main Not sure if the engine does this by default internally, but this looks very odd to me…)

I downloaded testcases 3d from cocos github
on OSX and copied it to windows.
Same thing. It didn’t work.

Then I downloaded the same thing directly on windows and the import worked. So clearly something goes wrong when moving project data from OSX to windows. I am just not sure if this is
related to something on my side or not.
(I used a USB Stick to copy the data, I will recheck using dropbox and no hardware storage when I am back on Monday.)

Yeah, hardware issue. All good in both directions now.

Render Texture now has no readPixels () method. How can I get the base64 data of the texture.