Cocos Creator v1.6.1.beta-2

Edit by nantas:


  • [Prefab] Fix auto sync prefab coordinates failed to be saved in scene issue
  • [JSB] Fixed error of the EditBox when the JS delegate object is reclaimed
  • [Engine] Fixed in WebGL mode when cc.Graphics is filled with multiple shapes, the previously filled color will change.
  • [Spine] Fixed Spine event callback may occur if the conversion event data fails
  • [Engine] Fixed on iOS double-tap home to drop application crashes


  • [Editor] Fixed the problem that the editor does not open normally when a script error occurs
  • [Tiledmap] Open the DepthTest for CCSGTMXLayer alone, solve the problem of wrong depth of tiles
  • [Label] Fixed the problem that the node size has not changed after the assignment is premature when the label is created
  • [RichText] Enables the tag to support setting height and width, but maintains the basic principle “The image height does not exceed the set line height”
  • [WebView] supports setJavascriptInterfaceScheme andsetOnJSCallback (only used in Android with iOS)
  • [Label] Fixed the dynamic setting of the TTF type font will cause the outline to be missing
  • [Layout] Fixed issue when toggle active of Layout node will not refresh the child node location
  • [TypeScript] Fixed bugs that some TypeScript classes could not deserialize after inheriting each other
  • [Camera] Fixed some of the camera target will lead to undefined reference
  • [Editor] Fixed an issue that the script information was retrieved incorrectly from the asset IPC message.
  • [Properties] Fixed in the switching node active property, there will be a period of time active values ​​can not show the problem
  • [Animation] Fixed the problem when the animationClip is added repeatedly
  • [Properties] Fixed a problem where some of the attribute values ​​were lost during bulk copy
  • [Label] Fixed repeatedly creating Label will cause the font to display wrongly
  • [Editor] Fixed scripts for previews may conflict with npm third-party library script if share the same name

From google translate:


[Prefab] Fixes automatic synchronization prefabricated coordinates that fail to save the problem correctly in the scene
[JSB] repair interface when the repair configuration JS due to the recovery of the object caused by the collapse of the phenomenon
[Engine] Repair WebGL mode When cc.Graphics is filled with multiple shapes, the previously filled color will change.
[Spine] repair Spine event callback may occur if the conversion event data fails
[Engine] Fix iOS Double-click home to drop application crashes

[Editor] Fix the problem that the editor does not open properly when a script that is dependent on a script
[Tiledmap] alone for CCSGTMXLayer open DepthTest, to solve the problem of blocking the wrong
[Label] Fix the problem that the node size has not changed after the assignment is premature when the label is created
[RichText] allows the label to support setting height and width, but maintain the basic principle “image height does not exceed the set high line”
[WebView] supports setJavascriptInterfaceScheme and setOnJSCallback (used only in Android and iOS)
[Label] Fix dynamic settings TTF type font will cause outline missing problems
[Layout] repair Layout node hidden and then show, will not refresh the child node location
[TypeScript] Fixed bug where certain TypeScript classes could not reverse the properties after inheriting each other
[Camera] repair part of the camera target will lead to undefined reference error
[Editor] Fix the issue of getting the script information from the asset IPC message.
[Properties] repair in the switching node active property, there will be a period of time active values ​​can not show the problem
[Animation] repair repeat add AnimationClip when the error
[Properties] Fixed a problem where some attribute values ​​were lost when batch copy was performed
[Label] Repair Duplicate Create Label will cause the font to show an error
[Edit] Scripts that fix uncompressed previews may conflict with npm third-party library script names causing errors

Is there any official change log for CocosCreator 1.6 in english??

we should learn Chinese language to use Cocos Creator


It will not be the biggest challenge! :joy:

It is an internal testing version, it is not stable. I have @nantas to describe why not release such version in english forum.

This is just a very early BETA version. I don’t think anyone in this forum need to try it.

@jake72 thanks for focusing on creator development. But could you please paste the result of google translate in future. It is an english forum, and some developer complain that why there is so much Chinese words in this forum: We need a friendly ENGINE, not a dysfunction EDITOR.

Sure thing. Sorry for the inconvenience caused

I need to change timestep in PhysicsManager to make slow motion effect. There are some issues:

This code invoked in browser, but does not in device/simulator
cc.director.getPhysicsManager().update = function(dt) { cc.log('aaa text'); }

This code is not invoked at all

@jake72 Please get a look at this.