Cocos Creator or Cocos2d-x

No, and Yes.
There is an Cocos Creator extension in the extension store that allows you to export Scenes (and prefabs?) to a Cocos2d-x compatible format.

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i’m not sure if everyone is aware but at least on Mac OS you can access all the package contents of cocos creator, and since it is made in Electron that means all the source code is in JS so it’s rather easy to update yourself

When deciding between Cocos2d-x and Cocos Creator for a web-only project, I chose Cocos2d-x because online documentation (official docs, stackoverflow, community) appeared to be better for 2d-x than for Creator. That said, I was really leaning toward Creator for ease of layout, built in live updating, and export options until I ran into what was for me a lack of documentation.

My main concern over cocos creator is the little documentation.
For when is there any other documentation?

almost all components in cocos creator have a little documentation button

While the breadth of documentation regarding Cocos Creator is quite slim, its saving grace is the example project which includes a working sample of pretty much every technique you will use in Cocos.

Thanks for the information. Are they added to the documentation?

We are planning on more sample projects for Creator. I’m not sure the timeline but I have faith that it will happen.

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thank you so much

Bugger - wish I’d found this at the weekend :slight_smile: