Cocos creator do Intersection like cocos2dx c++

i am using latest version of cocos creator 3.5.2. kindly help me to use dynamic touch events(also same for native not only html5) for all sprites & objects and dynamic intersection( getBoundingBox()- something like this) like cocos2dx in cocos creator. kindly please help. @CocosMarketing can you please help.

I didn’t understand your question clearly, but if you are looking for how to get callbacks for touch events here is the link in documentation.

means in cocos2dx we are do intersection with “getBoundingBox().interesectionrect” so here what is the option for that. basically how i can intersect two sprite without physics like cocos2dx.

@vkrishna if possible can you please post one example or any git repository where there is a proper example of that all basic things. thanks for kind replay.

These are all in the documentation.

hi if my node suppose name A was added in canvas now B added in A and C into B then how i will get proper touch events (all)
of B and C in cocos creator 3.5.2. please give me details with example please please @CocosMarketing. @linrm @vkrishna please help me. Any help Possible???

@CocosMarketing any help possible ??

You can refer to: Node Event System · Cocos Creator
it has describe the node event in detail.

okay @linrm i will see. thanks for your replay and your amazing work :slight_smile:

need example for above post there is no example for my question kindly put the example @linrm please

you can refer to : cocos-test-projects/pointer-swallow.scene at v3.5 · cocos/cocos-test-projects · GitHub

thnaks @linrm