Cocos Creator 2.2.2 - Mac OS Catalina

Hi there:

It’s been a long while since I haven’t posted on these forums, but I see that Cocos Creator is up to V2.2.2, I would like to give another try at the game engine. However, I’ve downloaded V2.2.2 more than 3 times, and install it. But it’s giving ipc errors, sometimes it freezes ( editor ), and I’m using VS Studio Code, other times, I set in preferences Atom Editor, and double click on js file to open, and it doesn’t open. So my question for the developers, has Cocos Creator been tested on Mac OS Catalina? Would appreciate any feedback. Thanks and God Bless…


Everything runs for me. What Catalina version? I’m on 10.15.2 and 10.14.6.

Hi @slackmoehrle

I’m on 10.15.2. ? Thanks for the quick response…God Bless…


Can you show me this DataEditor view ?

Hi @zzf_Cocos

Yes, I have Visual Studio Code in Data Editor - > External Script Editor…God Bless…

Maybe you can reinstall Visual Studio Code and try again.

Hi @zzf_Cocos

Yes, I reinstall Visual Studio Code and now when I open editor, I get:

ipc timeout.message:app:open-project,session:1@renderer:1035

Other times, i get the EPREM, project.json etc…

Does Coco Creator use node.js? If so, should i uninstall and re-install node.js? Thanks and God Bless…


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Hi @zzf_Cocos

I went ahead and changed the editor to atom editor, is much better, however, I still get the editor to freeze, please look at error:

Simulator: Assertion failed: (ok ), function start, file /Users/nantas/fireball-x/cocos2d-x-lite_22/cocos/scripting/js-bindings/jswrapper/v8/ScriptEngine.cpp,line 569. at HTMLElement.print-simulator-log(/Applications/ at Object.e._dispatcj

I think it has to do with Simulator? God Bless the Cocos Team, their families, friends and whole China and other nations and keep them safe from the Virus

