Cocos Creator 1.7.2 patch released!

Cocos Creator 1.7.2 patch released!

Creator 1.7.2 brings a lot of changes! We hope you enjoy using this release.



Demo Projects

The most important source of examples is the Example Collection project template. There are also many demos to show a complete game:

  • Dark Slash basic game loop demo. Special thanks to Veewo Games for authorizing us to use original ‘Dark Slash’ game resources to make this tutorial.

  • UI Demos including multi-resolution supporting menu interface with cool transition animations, a backpack generated by data and prefab and a Clash Royale style navigation menu showcase.
  • Blackjack demo, collaboratively developed with Tencent Games.
  • Flappy Bird clone featuring a sheep.
  • Star Catcher demo game, in user manual we have a quick start tutorial showing how to build this game step by step.

Release Notes:

[Editor] Double-click the script on Windows prompts the user to set the script editor, to prevent the system default Host pop-up error
[CocosStudio] CocosStudio project to improve the import

  • No longer add Widget components to nodes whose Position is 0%
  • Support import animation frame events
  • Fixed an issue where imported multi-layered nested animations could not be properly correlated

[Engine] Added interface to get iPhone X safe area (cc.view.getSafeAreaRect and cc.director.getSafeAreaRect)
[Engine] automatically hide native iPhone X’s home indicator

Bug Fixes

[Editor] Fixed scene editor error distribution icon
[Editor] Fixed a bug where the Property inspector might not respond after selecting the resources folder
[Editor] Repair MD5 Cache Windows will modify the user code problem
[Engine] Fix physics AABB collision callback
[Spine] Fixed a problem where spine repeatedly creates render objects when activated in debug mode
[Camera] Fix the problem that the camera is enabled when the camera is not activated on the native platform
[Engine] Repair module can not get Intersection if only Intersection is checked when clipping
[Engine] Fix ScrollView is scaled incorrectly
[Engine] Fix RenderTarget scaling problem
[Engine] Fix PageView.scrollToPage can not correctly determine the scope of the problem
[TiledMap] Fix Tilemap layer error when there is no element
[DragonBones] Fix the same name of the DragonBonesData on the Web platform, skeletal data does not load correctly at the same time
[Engine] Fixing Component.schedule may cause an error saying “element’s paused should be paused”
[Engine] Fixed mouse bubble incident related issues
[Engine] Fixed a bug where the native platform in 1.7.0 failed to call the opengl and glNode interfaces
[Engine] Fix some related issues in JSB 2.0
[Engine] Fix native platform Scheduler.isTargetPaused undefined problem in JS
[Engine] Performs the parameter types supported by jsb.reflection.callStaticMethod
[Engine] Remove SSE support under the Android platform x86 architecture in order to fix operational issues on some Android emulators
[Engine] Fixed Android compilation error when APP_PLATFORM> = 22
[Engine] Fix the problem of failing to refresh the sorting after changing the order of sub-nodes of Layout
[Engine] Fixed the problem that the resident node in the scene z order failed
[Engine] Fix the native platform ResizableBufferAdapter :: resize about the issue
[Engine] Fix the native platform socketio.emit does not pass the payload parameter caused the exception
[Engine] Fixed native XMLHttpRequest calling onerror instead of ontimeout on timeout
[Engine] fixes potential memory leak if jsb.reflection.callStaticMethod class can not find classes (jsb.reflection.callStaticMethod.)
[Engine] Solve the Android conversionEncodingJNI memory leak problem
[Engine] Solve the warning problem that Android onWavClose has no return value
[Engine] to solve the long time in the background and the Activity Activity is recovered by the system after the foreground collapse caused by the collapse
[Cocos Analytics] Fix iOS Links Cocos Analytics has a lot of deployment target mismatch warnings
[Cocos Analytics] Resolves conflicts with the Reachability class in iOS Cocos Analytics and other third-party libraries
[TiledMap] Fixed TiledMap rendering exception caused by depth detection
[Engine] Fix the web platform and check Fit Fit and Fit Width
[UI] Fixed bug related to deleting SpriteFrame used by Button
[UI] Perfect text wrapping rules
[DragonBones] fixes the problem of missing keel events

Performance Improvements

[Build] Greatly optimized native platform Enable script-encrypted script size


[Engine] Add cc.ToggleContainer component, v2.0 will replace cc.ToggleGroup. See document (EN 2 | EN)

I saw there is already Cocos Creator 1.8 released in Chinese forum. Which version should I switch to, I’m considering to upgrade from 1.6.1 to take advantage of JSB 2.0

1.7.2 is a patch release for those that don’t wish to upgrade to 1.8 yet. JSB 2.0 was part of 1.7+

Thanks @slackmoehrle I’m gonna try 1.8, for long term, still need to update to latest version. Can you recommend ndk version I should use with it

@slackmoehrle Could you provide release note, please? Sometime I want to use newest feature/ fixes but not easy to find out. For example, this release fixed a tile map’s bug and a socket’s bug which I have waited for long time.

I am using r16b for my tutorial I am working on.

I updated the post with some rough release notes. I am finding out when 1.8 is to be released as well.


i see my richText Autowrap bug has been fixed in this version but you didn’t list it

It was listed as [UI] Perfect text wrapping rules

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I found out that some ‘Slow motion’ do not work on Android. For example, cc.easeElasticIn () causes the node to disappear from the scene, cc.easeBounceIn () works fine.