chipmunk-Box2D Gideros framework-cocos2d-x recreations

It is just a nuisance to download thanks to sonar systems un-eventful tutorial, so I am just sticking with chipmunk as it is faster in integrated

box2d is also integrated to cocos2d

the #include header didn’t work for me

What error?

‘cannot open source file <Box2D/Box2D.h>’

Solution here:

its ok i got box2d as your solution is basically my only hope, many, many thanks.

p.s around what month/day/year was monkeysling ACTUALLY made, juuust curious?

In github repo I see it’s 4 years ago.

I think around 2 years before I added it to GitHub. Something like that :grinning: check out the level designer

This will not work for you. Not this specific problem. Coding (game programming in general).

You cannot create a physics game without understanding the basic laws of physics. You cannot think of movement on screen without knowing how to solve basic linar functions.

I can give you an advice. Dont think specific. You ask: How to create a slingshot. How to create one? We dont know, you dont know.
You dont have to know, the slingshot doesnt matter.

What matters: Creating a ball that is moving across the screen in a realistic way. That is achievable by chipmunk (or box2d). Then add the slingshot. Draw a slingshot, it is not physics body just a simple image. And put it on screen so it will look like the ball was shot by the slingshot.

And you have to go for each problem that way. Do you have to create a button that exactly matches the shape of the image. No you dont, nobody will recognize or care about the button being a square rough the size of the button. Almost very problem is solvable by an abstract idea. 1 and 0 to be very exact…

I decided at the time using JavaScript the performance sucks for game. That’s when I decide to do c++

What performance did you have in js?
And what performance do you have now in C++?

The two main ones for me.

  1. Performance vary between devices.
  2. Touch/gestures seems to lag.

It’s agreeable that an understanding of the laws of physics is required, this I don’t have time to do so I was hoping I could just use the recommended numbers.

I know that learning game development is new for you. I know that you are young too. My advice is take a step back, write your game slower and learn the concepts. If you just plan to make this first game then you wont write any more games then you have bitten off more than you can chew because game development (like any programming) takes time and practice. Then more practice. Then more practice. Etc.

When my son was 14-18 he wanted to code. However, he didn’t put in the effort to do it. He instead just watched game play videos, dreaming about making his own games. You would think he would have been all over learning everything he could. I have 100+ books he can use, he has me to ask questions to, I love pulling all-night coding sprees with sufficient Red Bull. He is in college for Computer Science. He quickly found out that other students new how to code really well and he was behind.

I’ll stop rambling with this: I’m happy to help teach, but I wont just hand out answers without seeing effort.


This Chinese proverb seems appropriate:

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”


Then we should write it in Chinese: “给一个人一条鱼,你喂他一天。 教一个人钓鱼,你喂他一辈子。“


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Then I think my post was the most successful.
I tried to help him to think, I did not give him the solution. :smiley:

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Yeah, maybe giving the code might not be the best idea.

Both have been resolved with logic. I made a portal and a beta slingshot(it has a major flaw im trying to fix but otherwise works fine) by using bitmasks, methods, joints and touch event listeners