Childs of layer inherits camera mask?

Does childs of layer inherits the camera mask that i set on layer?

is there an order to do it?

m_layer = Layer::create();
auto camera = Camera::createPerspective(60, (GLfloat)s.width / s.height, 1, 1000);

auto spr = Sprite::create("someSpriteName");

what camera mask should be on spr?

Yes, the parent-child relationship.

No, only is applied on childs when you apply the mask to the layer.

If you create a sprite after, then the mask is the default one. even if you add that sprite as child of that layer.


will also set cameramask of current childs (not the ones added later)

you can also pass a bool in this function if you don’t want the childs to be in this mask like this


since your sprite is added later you also have to put the same camera mask on the sprite.

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yes, i could find out what was happening but thank you for the time. i ll mark your answer as solution. :grinning:

In the cpp-tests the layers mask are always set at the end, that is how i realized about my bugs.

i think it would be a good practice to inherit the current mask set on parent and not to set a default one.

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