Chartboost listeners not working

I am currently implementing chartboost (I have already admob implemented and working 100% fine for quite a while). To implement Chartboost, I used the same concept as admob (basically copy paste the code and change a few functions name here and there)

My account is setup in chartboost, my campaing is setup. In the app, the ad is cached properly, I can show it, see the ad, but no matter what, no listeners are called.

I do have my class: class CBAdListener : public sdkbox::ChartboostListener implemented and all the functions within it (since they are pure virtual, I have no choice of implementing all of them)

More info: This is for Android (will test on IOS later). If I do changes in chartboost website like add a pre-roll, I can see the change within my game. So the integration with Chartboost looks good.

For Admob, I can receive the listener properly using the same code (more or less).

Any idea what I could be missing?

Edit: Here is the log. It seems it cannot find my listeners:

05-10 00:36:48.015 32064-32064/? D/bc: Chartboost Webview:mraid.triggerEventListeners [object Arguments] – From line 35 of file:///data/user/0/com.bewgames.templeruins/cache/.chartboost/
05-10 00:36:48.015 32064-32064/? D/bc: Chartboost Webview:No listeners found – From line 35 of file:///data/user/0/com.bewgames.templeruins/cache/.chartboost/

However, I do have it implemented:

class CBAdListener : public sdkbox::ChartboostListener
void onChartboostCached(const std::string& name)override;
void onChartboostReward(const std::string& name, int reward)override;
void onChartboostFailedToLoad(const std::string& name, sdkbox::CB_LoadError e)override;
bool onChartboostShouldDisplay(const std::string& name)override { return true; };
void onChartboostDisplay(const std::string& name)override {};
void onChartboostDismiss(const std::string& name)override {};
void onChartboostClose(const std::string& name)override {};
void onChartboostClick(const std::string& name)override {};
void onChartboostFailToRecordClick(const std::string& name, sdkbox::CB_ClickError e)override {};
void onChartboostConfirmation()override {};
void onChartboostCompleteStore()override {};

sdkbox::PluginChartboost::setListener(new CBAdListener());


plz try

class CBAdListener : public sdkbox::ChartboostListener
void onChartboostCached(const std::string& name) override {
    CCLOG("%s: %s ", __FUNCTION__, name.c_str());
void onChartboostReward(const std::string& name, int reward) override {
    CCLOG("%s: %s ", __FUNCTION__, name.c_str());
void onChartboostFailedToLoad(const std::string& name, sdkbox::CB_LoadError e) override {
    CCLOG("%s: %s ", __FUNCTION__, name.c_str());
bool onChartboostShouldDisplay(const std::string& name) override { return true; }
void onChartboostDisplay(const std::string& name)override {
    CCLOG("%s: %s ", __FUNCTION__, name.c_str());
void onChartboostDismiss(const std::string& name) override {
    CCLOG("%s: %s ", __FUNCTION__, name.c_str());
void onChartboostClose(const std::string& name) override {
    CCLOG("%s: %s ", __FUNCTION__, name.c_str());
void onChartboostClick(const std::string& name) override {
    CCLOG("%s: %s ", __FUNCTION__, name.c_str());
void onChartboostFailToRecordClick(const std::string& name, sdkbox::CB_ClickError e) override {
    CCLOG("%s: %s ", __FUNCTION__, name.c_str());
void onChartboostConfirmation() override {
    CCLOG("%s", __FUNCTION__);
void onChartboostCompleteStore() override {
    CCLOG("%s", __FUNCTION__);


Thanks. I finally found the problem. I had sdkboxads configured as well (without using it) and it seems it was interfering with Chartboost listeners.