Chartboost android sdk version

What is the version of the Chartboost is using for cocos sdkbox android project? Or any documentation / tool to find the version? Currently I am using sdkbox Since I saw this sdkbox is certified to Chartboost, but I am getting this message from Chartboost regarding the sdk to getting approval from them.

"It seems that the SDK version you are using is 7.2.0, is that correct? Unfortunately, this version no longer meets the minimum SDK requirements for our publishers. since 7.2.0 we were able to introduce banners into our SDKs, as well as provide support for the GDPR and CCPA guidelines and fix small bugs.

Would you consider updating to our latest SDK? You can find the instructions here:"

So do we use 7.2.0? And is because the sdk is not the new one, got rejected? Any workaround on this?

thanks, we will upgrade chartboost ASAP.